Description on back of book: “Somewhere between being Wonder Woman and wondering what’s wrong with you is a great reality: God created you to be a wonderful woman. Instead of trying to live up to an unrealistic role, best selling-author Sheila Walsh invites you to take off your cape and boots, set aside your crumpled suit, and discover the authentic woman, beloved and valued by God. In this book, Sheila helps you understand that in God’s eyes, you are already a beautiful and creative woman. Heartfelt and delightful, I’m not Wonder Woman will encourage, inspire, and challenge you. Discover the real you, embrace life, and celebrate the joy of being a wonderful woman.”
Issues discussed: Sheila starts out where all problems started: the fall. Ever since Eve took a bite of that forbidden fruit humanity has been cursed. First, the blame game started. “Adam blamed God and the woman; Eve blamed the snake – but God would hold each one of them accountable.” Satan became our enemy. Women gained birth pains and desire their husbands, but their husbands will rule over them. The sex battles began. Men are cursed with the burden of providing for the family. They must work in a difficult and frustrating process to gain a living. Shame and guilt also entered the world. God still gave us hope, though. We feel guilt for what we’ve done and shame for who we are. God tells us we’re made for a purpose and have nothing to be ashamed of. While we may feel guilt from our past deeds, we can put those deeds behind us if we accept the hope offered to us through Christ. Although women are cursed with birth pains, they have hope in the new life that comes from the pain. Christ, the ultimate deliverer and our savior came from a woman’s seed.
“We used to be swans, but instead of a snowy white coat, we wear one that is brown and rough. We were made for more, and when we were displaced from Eden and turned pit into this earth, there was no way that we could ever feel at home. When Jesus came, He offered to take our filth onto His snowy white back and let us rest under His feathers so that when the father looks at us, He see us as we were always meant to be – swans!”
Sheila lists various emotions women go through and talks about how to deal with them. Pushing away the temptations Satan sends our way becomes a choice. You have to choose to have faith in Christ and choose to say no to Satan when he whispers in your ears that you’re not good enough. “We are asked to show up with whatever God has packed for us that day and trust that it will be enough.”
An example Sheila frequently refers to is “The Wizard of Oz.” Like the Wizard, we tend to cover our real selves with masks and costumes, pretending we are wonder women. Sometimes, God will have to send a Dorothy along to take the curtain away and humble us. Even broken, God uses us. We’re not perfect, but God is in control and will always be there for us. He loves us the way we are and all we have to do is lay down our masks and worship Him. God uses broken people so He can show that He is in control.
So, what do we do next? We ask god to expose our faults so we can become more Christ-like. That’s what David did. We take the trash out and offer everything we have up to God. We may not have much. The boy who went to hear Jesus preach with only a few loaves of bread and a few fish did not expect much to happen that day, but when he offered up what little food he had, it multiplied and became a blessing to many people. “When we are able to give the broken pieces to the Lord, the loaves and fishes of our stories, then Jesus will bless it, break it, and feed His people.” Once we accept Christ and allow Him to change our lives, we become lights in the darkness. Troubles will come, sometimes as attacks from Satan, sometimes as tests and opportunities from God for our own good. “Often it takes a crisis to reveal to us how hungry our spirits are.” Joseph found himself in the worst of places, but God always pulled Him out of the pit and used Him to bless others. We can’t save ourselves, only God can save us. Jesus is our hope, and although tough times may come now, we have a much better life to look forward to. “We can spend the rest of our lives beating ourselves up for being human or accept that Jesus loves and receives us in our humanity.”
Analysis: Sheila does a good job with this book. There are questions and prayers at the end of each chapter to help you develop your thoughts on topics and issues. Chapters are also short enough for anyone with eye trouble or who, like me, often get headaches from reading for too long. Using her own testimony (she has depression), Sheila gives the book even more credibility. She uses a lot of scripture and relates everything she says to the modern woman. Even men might get something out of this book. I was very encouraged by Sheila’s story. I never need to try too hard to become something I’m not. I don’t need to try to impress others. God loves me as I am. He’s in control and will take care of me. I can put my full faith in Him. Sheila communicates this all very well. There is much more to the book than what I’ve listed here. I highly recommend this book. It’s an easy read that you can get a lot out of.
Issues discussed: Sheila starts out where all problems started: the fall. Ever since Eve took a bite of that forbidden fruit humanity has been cursed. First, the blame game started. “Adam blamed God and the woman; Eve blamed the snake – but God would hold each one of them accountable.” Satan became our enemy. Women gained birth pains and desire their husbands, but their husbands will rule over them. The sex battles began. Men are cursed with the burden of providing for the family. They must work in a difficult and frustrating process to gain a living. Shame and guilt also entered the world. God still gave us hope, though. We feel guilt for what we’ve done and shame for who we are. God tells us we’re made for a purpose and have nothing to be ashamed of. While we may feel guilt from our past deeds, we can put those deeds behind us if we accept the hope offered to us through Christ. Although women are cursed with birth pains, they have hope in the new life that comes from the pain. Christ, the ultimate deliverer and our savior came from a woman’s seed.
“We used to be swans, but instead of a snowy white coat, we wear one that is brown and rough. We were made for more, and when we were displaced from Eden and turned pit into this earth, there was no way that we could ever feel at home. When Jesus came, He offered to take our filth onto His snowy white back and let us rest under His feathers so that when the father looks at us, He see us as we were always meant to be – swans!”
Sheila lists various emotions women go through and talks about how to deal with them. Pushing away the temptations Satan sends our way becomes a choice. You have to choose to have faith in Christ and choose to say no to Satan when he whispers in your ears that you’re not good enough. “We are asked to show up with whatever God has packed for us that day and trust that it will be enough.”
An example Sheila frequently refers to is “The Wizard of Oz.” Like the Wizard, we tend to cover our real selves with masks and costumes, pretending we are wonder women. Sometimes, God will have to send a Dorothy along to take the curtain away and humble us. Even broken, God uses us. We’re not perfect, but God is in control and will always be there for us. He loves us the way we are and all we have to do is lay down our masks and worship Him. God uses broken people so He can show that He is in control.
So, what do we do next? We ask god to expose our faults so we can become more Christ-like. That’s what David did. We take the trash out and offer everything we have up to God. We may not have much. The boy who went to hear Jesus preach with only a few loaves of bread and a few fish did not expect much to happen that day, but when he offered up what little food he had, it multiplied and became a blessing to many people. “When we are able to give the broken pieces to the Lord, the loaves and fishes of our stories, then Jesus will bless it, break it, and feed His people.” Once we accept Christ and allow Him to change our lives, we become lights in the darkness. Troubles will come, sometimes as attacks from Satan, sometimes as tests and opportunities from God for our own good. “Often it takes a crisis to reveal to us how hungry our spirits are.” Joseph found himself in the worst of places, but God always pulled Him out of the pit and used Him to bless others. We can’t save ourselves, only God can save us. Jesus is our hope, and although tough times may come now, we have a much better life to look forward to. “We can spend the rest of our lives beating ourselves up for being human or accept that Jesus loves and receives us in our humanity.”
Analysis: Sheila does a good job with this book. There are questions and prayers at the end of each chapter to help you develop your thoughts on topics and issues. Chapters are also short enough for anyone with eye trouble or who, like me, often get headaches from reading for too long. Using her own testimony (she has depression), Sheila gives the book even more credibility. She uses a lot of scripture and relates everything she says to the modern woman. Even men might get something out of this book. I was very encouraged by Sheila’s story. I never need to try too hard to become something I’m not. I don’t need to try to impress others. God loves me as I am. He’s in control and will take care of me. I can put my full faith in Him. Sheila communicates this all very well. There is much more to the book than what I’ve listed here. I highly recommend this book. It’s an easy read that you can get a lot out of.
Hi Harmony,
Thanks for joining my neighborhood... thought I'd come over and check yours out too! :-)
I had to reply to this post -- it's good to see Sheila Walsh still around and doing her thing for Jesus after all these years! I can remember when she first hit the States back in the early 1980s, in fact probably still have her first two albums around here somewhere. She has a beautiful voice and always tries to put some depth into her lyrics.
Thanks for the tip on the book... and keep on bloggin'! (BTW loved your photo site too.)
-- Peg
I believe the book was published in 2005, but I bought it last year at the Women of Faith Conference. It was my first introduction to Sheila Walsh and I, too, love her voice! She has a lot of passion and a great testimony. She's also a great speaker, so if you ever get a chance, I recommend you go see her at a Women of Faith conference.
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