Tuesday, September 25, 2007


I woke up this morning to twi beautiful rainbows promising a beautiful day ahead, even if it is hot outside and humid. Unfortunately I didn't get my camera quick enough, so I have no pictures of it.

"This is the Day the Lord has made. I will be glad and rejoice in it."

The rainbows seemed to promised hope and escape from the past. I have reason to rejoice in God's mercy and love today.


Poorhouse Dad said...

Don't worry about the camera. Sometimes, God puts something beautiful there just for you because He wants you to know that you, the individual, one person, are special to Him. You did well enough just taking time to think about His gift to you and to praise Him for it. God's special display already reached its intended audience.

Anonymous said...

I don't know if blogger lets you know when you get links, so just in case I wanted to let you know I've passed on an award to you. If you already knew, then just ignore me. :)
